June 2016

Reflections on UPW Micro and UPW Pharma Events, June 7-8 | Austin, Texas
By Mike Henley

UPW Pharma Event
Key takeaways from the UPW Pharma Event
By Mike Henley
Alternatives for Reusing Waste High-Purity Water
Compiled by Mike Henley

Boiler Feedwater
Alternative Methods for Treating Boiler Water: How Do Filming Amines Perform To Inhibit Corrosion?
By Daniel M. Cicero
Patent Summaries: MPC Inc's Filtration system and Rapid Micro Biosystems' Rapid microbial detection patent
Compiled by Mike Henley

Cooling Water
Crucial Aspects Of Bacterial Control In Geothermal Power Station Cooling Towers
By Ian Richardson, Simon Addison and David Addison

Cooling Water
Application Of Membrane Capacitive Deionization Technology In Cooling Towers
By Piotr Dlugolecki, PhD, Aurora Connorton-Spragg, and Carlos Camero

Technology Briefing
Exploring How LED Technology Could Revolutionize UV Use In High-purity Water Systems
By Saketh Thanneeru
May 2016
Patent Summaries: ChemTreat, Inc - Improving industrial water recirculating fluid heat transfer and a new treatment method to reduce or eliminate treatment chemicals
Compiled by Mike Henley

Can THM Monitoring and Removal Be Improved In High-purity Water Applications?
By DeGenova et al.
But is the Water Trust Worthy?
By Mike Henley

What Approach Most Accurately Measures and Characterizes 10-nm Or Larger Particles In Semiconductor Water?
By Murayama et al.

How Can the Consequences of Poor Activated Carbon Operation Impact System Validation?
By William V. Collentro
Ovivo awarded US and China contracts worth over $21 million, Foundations merge and form new water research organization, Executive appointments at Veolia and Asahi/America, Inc.
Compiled by Mike Henley