
Managing Semiconductor Manufacturing Risk through Improved Control of Nano-particles in UPW

By Slava Libman et al.

Nano-particles Monitoring Analytics

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This article describes the current state of particle detection technology in ultrapure water (UPW*) with respect to the needs of advanced semiconductor manufacturing. The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) has defined particles in UPW as a critical parameter associated with the risk of wafer defects in semiconductor manufacturing. This risk is driven by the increasing sensitivity of advanced semiconductor manufacturing processes, such as critical dimensional etching, and the limited ability to control particles in UPW and on the wafer. Despite relatively robust filtration capabilities, it is impossible to guarantee high-yield manufacturing without capable UPW particle metrology. This article presents a new approach for characterizing モkillerヤ nano-particles. The approach has been adopted by the ITRS UPW Committee, and takes into account theoretical deposition physics (diffusion, drying, etc.). A particle deposition study is under way to validate the theoretical model. The ITRS UPW Committee has conducted a benchmarking study to determine the chemical composition of commonly occurring particles in semiconductor UPW systems. The benchmarking study uses a new, experimental device for the rapid collection and agglomeration of sub-50-nanometer (nm) particles onto a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) filter. After the particles are collected, their chemical composition is identified by X-ray spectroscopy.

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