
Patent Summary



Filtration system for medical fluids preparation

Inventors: Jeffrey H. Burbank, Dennis M. Treu, Gotz Friederichs, Brian C. Green, Christopher S. McDowell, and James M. Brugger

Assignee: Nxstage Medical, Inc. (Lawrence, MA)

Patent No.: U.S. 9,700,663, issued: 7/11/17

Summary: One goal of the invention is a purification system that is less complicated than existing equipment on the market, which may feature separate pumping systems for their purification processes and need expensive replacement filters.

The patent describes systems, methods, and equipment to prepare high-purity water for renal treatment. Types of medical uses for the water purified by the patented system would include hemofiltration, tissue irrigation, and hemodiafiltration.

In the different versions of the invention, fluid is passed either by pump or passively by gravity feed, through various filtration elements from a fluid source to a treatment fluid container. The treatment system is capable of making multiple treatment batches at the same time.

The medical fluid treatment device includes filter housings with a water supply and drain connections, an electrical supply connection, and a treatment device to purify water and prepare a batch of treatment fluid. The batch is kept in disposable bags supported in the housing and there is a heater to heat the batch fluid to maintain the temperature for immediate use in renal replacement therapy (dialysis). Each bag contains sufficient fluid for a single treatment session. Depending on the invention version, the initial filter is replaced after each use, or after purifying a set amount of water.

In one version of the invention, there is a conductivity or resistivity probe after the first filter. The design calls for the first-stage filter to need replacement before the second stage filter expires. Another feature of the system is a pressure transducer to test for clogging of the first-stage filter. When clogging occurs, a bypass valve will have the water then pass through the second-stage filter so that the first-stage filter may be changed.


Mobile water treatment system

Inventor: Andrew Parke

Assignee: General Electric Co. (Schenectady, NY)

Patent No.: U.S. 9,593,029, issued: 3/14/17

Application No.: U.S. 14/645,745, filed: 3/12/15

Summary: One aim of this invention is to provide a less expensive way to service mobile deionization (DI) water systems than is possible under the traditional approach. One way is accomplished is through a resin transfer hub, which is located separately from the service center. The purpose of the transfer hub is to move resin between a treatment vehicle and resin transport truck.

The patent details a method for providing mobile or temporary water treatment involving ion-exchange (IX) resins. This approach includes a service center, vehicles with IX systems and other equipment, a resin transfer hub, and resin transport vehicles. The service center can be used to regenerate one or more types of IX resins and the resin transport trucks are equipped with tanks to either carry regenerated resin, or spent IX resin.

The resin transfer hub uses a compressed air system to move exhausted IX resins from the resin vessel and the transport truck storage tanks. Likewise compressed air helps transfer regenerated resin into transport vehicles and the deionization system.

The mobile systems are useful for industrial facilities that cannot afford to build a permanent water treatment plant or for those cases when a plant needs temporary water supply because of in-house system failure or equipment maintenance. Examples would include providing temporary service when a power stations water system is being repaired, or to provide feedwater for facilities that operate seasonally.

Examples of treatment system equipment found in mobile trucks may include tanks, media, pumps, pipes, controls, and instruments. In one instance, a trailer is fitted with six steel tanks that are lined with rubber. They are connected in series or parallel. Tanks may be filled with different filtration media, including activated carbon, deoxygenation media, and cation and anion IX resins.

According to the patent, one potential advantage of the system is a reduction in the transportation or system capital costs required to supply treatment sites far from the service center with regenerated resin. A result can be that the service center is able to serve a larger area.


Note:  Information for patent summaries is obtained from sources considered reliable such as the U.S. Patent Office. Our patent summaries seek to cover a full range of water treatment applications and technologies. On occasion, we may summarize a more controversial patent. Our goal is to provide a view of the different approaches being explored and potential new innovations that could impact high-purity and industrial water treatment.


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