
New 450-mm PVDF Piping Systems for Conveying High-Purity Water in Semiconductor Plants

By Joerg Wermelinger et al.

Clean room Distribution Piping Materials

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Look anywhere today and you can easily see that electronics, specifically the microchip, have taken over many tasks of our everyday life; from simple voice mail handling to complex issues like computer-assisted surgery. It was once said that the world as we know it today could not exist without the microchip (1). So, like it or not, microchips are here to stay and growing daily in their importance. In fact, if predictions made by Raymond Kurzweil and others are correct, 2045 will be モthe moment when technological change becomes so rapid and profound, it represents a rupture in the fabric of human historyヤ (2). Or, the time when the computing power of a single machine surpasses the brainpower equivalent to that of all humans combined. When the microchip was first introduced to the world in 1959 (3), no one could have possibly imagined the dramatic changes to our existence that would ensue. Jack Kilbyメs follow up invention of the handheld calculator (4) paved the way to take the bulk out of the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) (5), a 17,000+ vacuum tube, 30 ton monstrosity of the late 1940s that could do only 5,000 math operations every second, and put a personal computer on every desk in the world.

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