
Table Tiles

Date Title Authors Lead Text
2012‑12 Developments Toward a New TOC Monitoring System Roger Schmid The measurement of total organic carbon (TOC) within the semiconductor industry continues to be a...
2012‑12 Part 2: Ozone Sterilization of PVDF Piping Systems for High-Purity Water Distribution Giovanni Biressi & Brigitte Neubauer It is well known in the industrial practice that water distribution systems should be accurately ...
2012‑12 Trace Urea Removal Technology for High-Purity Water Quality Improvement Nobukazu Arai et al. Semiconductor-grade watera is used as a rinse water in the manufacturing process of electronic de...
2012‑11 Treatment of Brackish Desalination Plant Concentrate and Seawater Nikolay Voutchkov Disposal of concentrate (brine) from brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO) desalination plants (b...
2012‑11 Antiscalant Control of Calcium Fluoride Deposition in RO Plants Suresh Patel, Ph.D., Anna Chomiak, and Marta Farriols Fluorides occur both naturally (e.g., rock weathering and volcanic emissions) as well as because ...
2012‑11 Challenges of Recycling Power Plant Cooling Tower Blowdown Joseph Lander and Michael T. Chan, P.E. Recycling water from a cooling tower in a power plant requires a complete understanding of the co...
2012‑11 Water Supply and Conservation William F. Harfst We call it Earth, but it should be called the ムWater Planet.メ Over three quarters of Earth is co...
2012‑10 A Collaborative Power Generation Effort for the Optimum Use of Water Now and in the Future Jonas Weisel Electric power generation requires reliable access to large volumes of water, primarily for cooli...
2012‑10 Recovery of RO Membrane Performance through Direct Osmosis-High Salinity Membrane Cleaning Process Harold Standfield et al. The water treatment plant at Ameren Energy Resourcesメ Newton Energy Center was constructed and co...
2012‑10 Monitoring of Trace Levels of Ions in the Steam Cycle by Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis Kenneth Ogan, Ph.D., Matthew Heim, and Jonathan Vickers, Ph.D. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) guidelines specify the regular monitoring of several ion...
2012‑10 Do Organic Amines Have a Role in the Treatment of High-Purity Boiler Feedwater? James Robinson Organic amines have been widely used to treat high-purity boiler feedwater since at least the 194...
2012‑09 Reclaiming Wastewater for Use as Cooling Tower Makeup William F. Harfst As of mid-August 2012, drought conditions plagued more than 60% of the contiguous 48 states. Alm...
2012‑09 Recycling Frac Produced and Flowback Water Ken Pandya Induced Earthquakes in Youngstown, Ohio! Contaminated Aquifers in Dish, Texas! Polluted Surface...
2012‑09 Selenium Removal from a Combined FGD Wastewater and Landfill Leachate Michael J. Soller, P.E., CPC, James Harwood, and Tim Pickett Coal-fired power plants generate a variety of waste streams through the process of generating ele...

